Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Gunung dan Pulau Unik Di Dunia

Kita tahu bahwa gunung - gunung dan pulau - pulau di Bumi ini mempunyai keunikan tersendiri yang mampu membuat kita menjadi kagum. Dan kadang ada keunikan gunung dan pulau di dekat kita, tetapi justru kita tidak menyadarinya. Lebih sadar dan tahu dengan yang lebih jauh. Tetapi ya sudahlah, itulah salah satu uniknya manusia. Dan berikut ini 7 gunung dan pulau yang unik di dunia.

1. Tristan da Cunha: Pulau Paling Terisolir di Dunia

Pulau yang berada di selatan Samudra Atlantik, 2.816 km dari Afrika Selatan dan 3.360 km dari Amerika Selatan. ini amat sangat terisolir dari dunia luar. Dikeliling oleh pegunungan dan laut membuat akses ke pulau ini sangat sulit. Belum lagi karakter alam yang sulit, seperti angin yang keras. Pulau yang berada dalam kedaulatan Saint Helena, Inggris , hanya memiliki penduduk 270 orang.

Pulau ini ditemukan oleh pelaut Portugis Ilha de Tristão da Cunha tahun 1506, karenanya diberi nama sesuai dengan nama pelaut itu. Begitu terisolasinya pulau ini, sampai sampai satu satunya alat transportasi untuk mencapai pulau ini adalah perahu karena tidak ada landasan pesawat di sana. Yang juga menjadi masalah adalah adanya penyakit genetic yang diduga terjadi karena perkimpoian antar - saudara. Hal ini karena dilarangnya pendatang tinggal di sini.

2. Azores: Rugged and Remote

Pulau yang berada di Samudera Atlantik ini sungguh unik, anda datang dan ingin memasak, tak perlu memikirkan membuat kompor, cukup galilah tanah dan masukkan panic maka makanan anda pun akan matang. Azores adalah kepulauan vulkanik yang berada di lepas pantai Portugal. Keunikan lainnya adalah pulau ini cuacanya yang bisa berubah dengan cepat.

Kalau keadaan normal maka pada musim dingin berkisar 13 drajat Celcius musim panas 22 derajat celcius. Namun di sini cuaca bisa berubah dengan cepat. Tak heran penduduk mengatakan, di pulau ini anda dapat menyaksikan empat musim dalam satu hari. Aneh, bukan?

3. Ometepe: Pulau Tertua di Dunia Terbentuk dari Gunung Api

Ometepe: adalah salah satu pulau paling tua di dunia. Terbentuk dari dua gunung api yang menyembul dari danau Nikaragua di Republik Nikaragua. Namanya berasal dari bahasa Nahuatl kata ome ( dua ) dan tepetl ( pegunungan ), yang berarti dua gunung. Dua gunung api itu adalah Concepción and Maderas . Meski ini merupakan pulau gunung api yang berbahaya, namun ada penduduk tinggal di sana, yang jumlahnya sekitar 35.000 jiwa. Mata pencarian penduduk utamanya pertanian, beternak. Daerah ini juga masuk dalam areal pariwisata.

4. Peacock, Pulau Suci di Tengah Sungai

Pulau mungil Peacock Island disebut pulau suci karena adanya kompleks candi suci Umananda. Pulau mungil ini berada di tengah sungai Brahmaputra yang luas di Provinsi Assam, India. Candi Umananda dibangun di Guwahati pada 1594, oleh Raja Ahom Assam.

Di antara candi - candi yang terdapat di Assam, candi pemujaan Dewa Siwa inilah salah satu yang paling banyak pengunjungnya. Untuk mencapai kuil, orang harus menyeberangi sungai dengan perahu dari Kachari ghat. Ada juga layanan feri yang tersedia dari jam 7 pagi di pagi sampai 5 sore di malam hari.

5. Spratly Islands: World’s Most Disputed Islands

Kepulauan Spratly merupakan rangkaian 650 pulau karang yang terletak di Laut Cina Selatan, antara Filipina dan Vietnam. The Spratlys, sebagaimana mereka disebut, adalah bagian dari tiga kepulauan di Laut Cina Selatan, terdiri dari lebih dari 30.000 pulau dan terumbu karang dan yang begitu merumitkan geografi, pemerintahan dan ekonomi di wilayah Asia Tenggara.

Belum jelas apa potensi kepulauan ini, namun sempat terdengar telah dilakukan survey awal dan hasilnya, kepulauan ini diindikasikan mengandung banyak minyak dan gas bumi. Yang unik dari kepulauan ini adalah 45 pulau ditempati oleh sejumlah kecil pasukan militer dari berbagai Negara yakni Cina, Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei.

6. Ellesmere Pulau Kecil yang Beku

Ellesmere adalah salah satu pulau di dunia yang suhunya mencapai titik beku. Tapi Pulau yang masuk wilayah Kanada ini, berada di sebelah barat Greenland ini merupakan alam yang tandus yang menjadi ‘laboratorium’ para pakar geologi dan pakar biologi yang sedang mempelajari perubahan alam.

7. Samosir: Pulau di Dalam Pulau

Pulau Samosir adalah pulau di tengah Danau Toba di Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Pulau Samosir diyakini sebagai pulau terbesar dalam sebuah pulau. Luasnya 630 km2, hanya sedikit lebih kecil dari luas asli Singapura yang 714 km2. Ada juga dua danau kecil di pulau.

Pulau Samosir tercipta sekitar 30.000 tahun yang lalu saat terjadi letusan dahsyat gunung api. Sedang danau Toba sendiri tercipta 75.000 tahun lalu yang juga akibat letusan gunung api. Selain Pulau Samosir, letusan gunung api juga menyebabkan munculnya semenanjung di daratan pulau Sumatera yang kini menjadi kota kecil Prapat.


10 Mobil Mewah Anti Peluru Di Dunia

Mylinekerr Fact - Mobil-mobil berlapis baja anti peluru sengaja dibuat untuk memberikan perlindungan kepada pengemudi dan penumpangnya, dari ancaman ledakan, perampokan, serta penculikan.

Mobil jenis ini biasanya digunakan untuk keperluan individu dan pemerintah, mulai dari kendaraan dinas para kepala negara, bisnis jasa keamanan, hingga koleksi pribadi para jutawan di dunia.

Tebalnya baja yang digunakan, tidak membuat 'bangker berjalan' ini terlihat kaku. Desainnya bahkan dibuat sangat elegan, seksi, dan agresif. Di dalam mobil tersemat juga segudang fitur canggih dan mewah, yang bisa memanjakan pemiliknya sekaligus memberikan jaminan keamanan.

Situs otomotif, Automotto, Kamis 23 Februari 2012, merilis 10 mobil anti peluru terbaik di dunia. Berikut daftar lengkapnya:

Quote:1. Obama's the Beast

Limusin ini menjadi kendaraan dinas Presiden Amerika Serikat, Barack Obama. Obama's the Beast memiliki tingkat perlindungan tertinggi, dengan lapisan baja yang dapat menangkal ancaman peluru dan roket.

Spoilerfor pict:

Untuk menghindari ancaman bahan kimia ke dalam kabin, mobil ini dilengkapi suplai oksigen. Pada bagian roda, dipersenjati teknologi yang dapat mengisi angin roda secara otomatis, ketika menerima tembakan ke arah ban. Istilah nama 'The Beast' diberikan oleh perancang mobil Hess dan Eisenhart O'Gara.

Quote:2. Jaguar XJ Sentinel

Mobil sedan ini dilengkapi dengan tingkat keamanan dan perlindungan B7 lapis baja balistik. Desain dibuat futuristik dan elegan.
Spoilerfor pict:

Meski anti peluru, mobil ini terbilang ringan. Itu berkat adanya unsur alumunium ringan yang ada di bagian bodi. Jaguar XJ Sentinel mampu menahan bobot hingga 500 kg untuk barang dan penumpang.

Quote:3. Gurkha LAPV

Mobil ini dibangun dari platform Ford F550, sehingga mudah untuk pencarian suku cadangnya. Gurkha LAPV memiliki dinding berongga yang dirancang untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap bahan ledakan.
Spoilerfor pict:

Pengemudi dan penumpang dilindungi oleh dinding baja berlapis dua, termasuk di bagian lantainya. Dengan segala kelebihannya, Gurkha mampu menampung 2.041 kg, yang membuatnya sempurna untuk perlindungan dan kebutuhan taktik.

Quote:4. Bentley Flying Spur

Mobil buatan Inggris ini dilengkapi dengan tingkat keamanan dan perlindungan B6 lapis baja balistik. Pilar mobil diklaim mampu menahan menahan ledakan gas.
Spoilerfor pict:

Sedangkan lantainya berlapis kevlar, dan tambahan oksigen sebagai pilihan untuk menyuplai pernafasan apabila terdapat ancaman gas berbahaya. Mobil ini dibanderol US$500.000 atau sekitar Rp4,5 miliar.

Quote:5. Range Rover Vogue

Desain mobil ini dirancang untuk menahan serangan senapan mesin atau granat tangan. Ini merupakan mobil keamanan pertama yang memberikan varian produksi dalam kubah baja.
Spoilerfor pict:

Perlindungan diberikan mulai dari lapisan kevlar pada lantai dan jendela, yang dapat melindungi dari senjata otomatis. Ban mobil ini akan tetap berfungsi, meski dalam keadan pecah. Namun hanya dapat menempuh 50 km. Tangki bahan bakarnya juga tidak mudah meledak.

Quote:6. Mercedes Benz S600 Guard

Selain anti peluru, mobil ini menawarkan teknologi ban yang dapat mengisi sendiri ketika pecah. Tangki bahan bakarnya juga tidak mudah meledak.
Spoilerfor pict:

Mercedes Benz S600 Guard memiliki mesin dengan 12-silinder bi-turbo, yang mampu menghasilkan tenaga 517 hp. Sehingga memudahkan melarikan diri dengan cepat ketika terjadi serangan berbahaya.

Quote:7. Dartz kombat T98 SUV

Desain mobil ini sangat tangguh dan kokoh. Dengan pintu baja berlapis dan jendela setebal 3 inci, yang mampu menahan serangan granat roket dan senapan AK-47.
Spoilerfor pict:

Dartz kombat T98 SUV dibangun oleh Rusia dengan menawarkan kemewahan serta ruang yang lapang dana nyaman. Dapur pacunya mengandalkan mesin Vortec V8, yang membuat mobil ini mampu dipacu hingga 177 km/jam.

Quote:8. Knight XV

Mobil jenis Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) ini terinspirasi dari Gurkha LAVP dan dibuat oleh perusahaan Kanada. Knight XV dibekali mesin V10, yang mampu melontarkan tenaga 400 hp dan torsi 498 lb-feet, dan dapat menggunakan bahan bakar bio.
Spoilerfor pict:

Mobil ini dilengkapi dengan karpet dari kayu Wilton, 6 kursi, night vision. Knight XV dibanderol US$489.000 atau sekitar Rp4,4 miliar

Quote:9. Chevrolet Suburban

Mobil ini tahan terhadap panas dengan pintu berlapis baja dan mampu menahan serangan peluru 39 mm. Bagian lantai mobil mampu menahan granat DM51 dan ranaju darat. Sedangkan bagian belakang telah dilengkapi dengan baja balistik. Mobil penggerak empat roda ini memiliki kapasitas 7 penumpang.
Spoilerfor pict:

Quote:10. Maybach 62

Mobil buatan Jerman ini dilapisi oleh kevlar dan baja anti peluru dan roket. Maybach 62 dibekali mesin V12 AMG, yang mampu berakselerasi dari 0-100 km/jam dalam 5 hingga 7 detik. Sedangkan kecepatan maksimum 250 km/jam.
Spoilerfor pict:

KELOPAK MATA: [Lyric-Full Album] Super Junior’s 5th Album “Mr. Simple” (Hangul + Romanization + Translation)

KELOPAK MATA: [Lyric-Full Album] Super Junior’s 5th Album “Mr. Simple” (Hangul + Romanization + Translation)

Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

[Lyric-Full Album] Super Junior’s 5th Album “Mr. Simple” (Hangul + Romanization + Translation)

Mr. Simple
Because You Naughty, Naughty Hey! Mr. Simple
Because You Naughty, Naughty
슈주 간다!
세상이 맘대로 된다고 화만 내면 그럴 필요 없지
걱정도 팔자다 작은 일에 너무 연연하지 말자 몸에 좋지 않아
성적이 좋았다가 나빴다가 그런 거지 ! 실적이 올랐다가 떨어졌다 그런 때도 있지
어쩌면 괜찮아 쉬어 가는 것도 좋아 모든 것이 , , , , 때가 있는 거니까
그대가 남자라면 친굴 만나 잔에 털어버리고 (Alright!) Alright
그대가 여자라면 친굴 만나 수다 떨어 날려버리고 (Alright!) Alright, Alright
*봐라 Mr. Simple, Simple 그대는 그대는 그대로 멋져
봐라 Miss Simple, Simple 그대는 그대로 예뻐 (S J Call!)
봐라 Mr. Simple, Simple 그대는 그대는 그대로 멋져
봐라 Miss Simple, Simple 그대는 그대로 예뻐 (S J Call!)
**가자 가자 어서 가자 막혔을 돌아가자 골치 아파 죽겠다면 오늘 하루만 놀고 보자
그래도 거친 세상 죽어라 뛰면 나만 지쳐 기다려봐 아껴둬 너의 날이 테니까
Blow Your Mind 가라 Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind
때가 왔잖아 두려워 말고
Blow Your Mind
가자 Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind
때가 왔잖아 준비 됐잖아
썩는 일이 가지 아닌 세상에 우린 살아 그건 애도 알아
이렇게 어렵나 우리 먹고 자고 잘하면 그렇게 하면 되지
그대가 화가 나면 친굴 만나 뒷담화로 풀어버리고 (Alright!) Alright
그대가 괴롭다면 노래 불러 소리 질러 날려버리고 (Alright!) Alright, Alright
Dance 자유란 그리 별거 있나 Just Get It Get It
소소한 일탈의 재미 둥둥둥 쿵쿵쿵
살아있는 그댈 느끼고 싶나 Just Grab It Grab It
가슴 뛰는 꿈들의 얘기 둥둥둥 쿵쿵쿵
(Because You Naughty, Naughty)
이제 걱정 하지마 앞엔 좋은 날이 거야 심각한 얘긴 뒤로 미뤄두고
오늘은 밝게 웃어봐 그대의 환한 웃음에 모두 기분 좋아져
Blow Your Mind 가라 Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind
때가 왔잖아 두려워 말고
Blow Your Mind
가자 Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind
가라 Mr. Simple

Because you naughty, naughty, Hey! Mr. Simple
Because you naughty, naughty, Suju kanda!
Sesangi ne mang daero an dwindago hwaman nemyeon andwae keu reol pilyo opji
keokcheong-do paljada jakeun ire nomu yeonyeonhaji marja mome chuji ana
Sojeoki chuwatdaga napatdaga keureon keoji mwo cheung! seolchikhi uratdaga teoreochyeotda keureon taedo itji
eocheomyeon kwaenchanha swiweo kaneun keotdo chua modeun geoshi ttae, ttae, ttae, ttae, ttae-ga itneun keonikka
Keuttaega namja-ramyeon chingul manna sul han chane teoreobeorigo (Alright!) Alright
Keuttaega yeoja-ramyeon chingul manna suda tteoreo nallyeobeorigo (Alright!) Alright, Alright
*Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple Keuttae-neun Keuttae-neun Keuttae-ro meotchyeo
Bwara Miss Simple, SImple, Keuttae-neun Keuttae-ro yeppeo (SJ Call)
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple Keuttae-neun Keuttae-neun Keuttae-ro meotchyeo
Bwara Miss Simple, SImple, Keuttae-neun Keuttae-ro yeppeo (SJ Call)
**Kaja kaja eoseo kaja Makhyeosseul ttaen dorakaja kot kotchi apa chukketdamyeon oneul haruman norgo boja
Han keurae-do keochin sesang chukeora ttwimyeon naman jicheo kidaryeobwa akkidwi pak neowi nari kot ultenikka
Blow Your Mind kara Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind ttae-ga watjanha Duryeowo malgo
Blow Your Mind Kaja Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind ttae-ga watjanha Junbi dwaetjanha
Sok sseokneun iri an doo kaji anin seseang-e urin sara keukeon ae-do ara
mwo ireohke eoryeopna uri chal meokgo chal jago tto charamyeon kereohke hamyeon dwiji
Keuttae-ga hwa-ga na-myeon chingul mannna dwitdamhwaro peureobeorigo (Alright!) Alright
Keuttae-ga kwireupda-nyeon norae borreo sori jilleo nalryeobeorigo (Alright!) Alright, Alright
Dance jaryuran-ke mwo keuri byeol geo ittna Just Get It Get It
Sosohan iltaree jaemi deung deung deung keung keung keung
Sara-ittneun keuttael neukki-go shipna Just Grab It Grab It
kaseum ttwineun ne kkum-deuri aeki deung deung deung keung keung keung
(Because You Naughty, Naughty)
Ije keokjeong hajima ap-en choo-eun nari ulkeoya Shimgakan aekin da dwiro mirwodugo
Oneur-eun barke useobwa keuddae-wi hwanhan useum-e modu kibon choha-chyeo
Blow Your Mind kara Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind ttaega wattjanha Duryeowo malgo
Blow Your Mind kaja Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind kara Mr. Simple

 Because You Naughty, Naughty Hey! Mr. Simple
Because You Naughty, Naughty Suju is going!
You can’t get mad that the world doesn’t go your way, you don’t have to
Mind your own business. Don’t be too attached to trivial things, it’s not good for your body
It’s just that my personality goes good then bad, so what! There must be times when my performance goes up then down too
It’s okay, it’s also good to rest then keep going, because everything has its time
If you’re a man, go meet your friends and sweep it off with a drink (Alright!) Alright
If you’re a woman, go meet your friends, have a chat and throw it away (Alright!) Alright, Alright
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are you are cool just like that
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are pretty just like that (S J Call!)
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are you are cool just like that
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are pretty just like that (S J Call!)
Let’s go, let’s go, let’s hurry and go, let’s go back when we are blocked. If it’s too troublesome you feel like dying, just for today let’s play first
Anyway when this harsh world runs like hell, I’m the only one that is worn out. Just wait, just save it, because your day will come soon
Blow Your Mind Go Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind The time has come, don’t be afraid
Blow Your Mind Let’s go Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind The time has come, you know you’re read
We are living in this world where annoying things aren’t just one or two, know that too
What is so hard about this? We just have to eat well, sleep well and do well too, that will do
If you’re mad, go meet your friend and release it by talking behind their backs (Alright!) Alright
If you’re distressed, sing a song, scream out loud and blow it away (Alright!) Alright, Alright
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are you are cool just like that
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are pretty just like that (S J Call!)
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are you are cool just like that
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are pretty just like that (S J Call!)
Dance Is there any big deal about that thing called freedom? Just Get It Get It
The joy of small deviations doong doong doong koong koong koong
Do you wanna feel yourself living? Just Grab It Grab It
Talk about the dreams that my heart is running to doong doong doong koong koong koong
(Because You Naughty, Naughty)
Don’t worry now, good days will come next. Leave serious stories behind
Smile brightly for today, with your bright smile, everyone will be lightened up
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are you are cool just like that
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are pretty just like that (S J Call!)
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are you are cool just like that
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are pretty just like that (S J Call!)
Let’s go, let’s go, let’s hurry and go, let’s go back when we are blocked. If it’s too troublesome you feel like dying, just for today let’s play first
Anyway when this harsh world runs like hell, I’m the only one that is worn out. Just wait, just save it, because your day will come soon
Blow Your Mind Go Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind The time has come, don’t be afraid
Blow Your Mind Let’s go Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind Go Mr. Simple
라틴, 라틴 쉽지 않은 언어들로 혹은 극적, 극적 스토리에 빠져들고
가장 비싼 옷을 옷을 입고 우아 떨면서 극장의 가장 좋은 좌석에 만족한
여긴 다르다
* , , 오페라 노래하는 오페라 춤추는 오페라
너무 좋으니까 정답은 이거니까
, , 오페라 내가 만든 오페라 세상 멋진 오페라
이게 좋으니까 기분 좋으니까
**너무 좋으니까 정답은 이거니까
이게 좋으니까 기분 좋으니까
무대 찬란한 조명아래로 어깨 쏟아져 내리는 갈채 속에도
모두가 한번쯤 사랑, 배신까지도 짧은 3, 4 안에 있다고
바로 여기다
, , 오페라 노래하는 오페라 춤추는 오페라
너무 유명해서 미쳐들 보니까
, , 오페라 내가 만든 오페라 세상 멋진 오페라
너무 멋있어서 울고 난리니까
너무 유명해서 다들 미쳐 보니까
너무 멋있어서 울고 난리니까
쉽지는 않지 숨이 말도 못할 때가 있어 맘이 원한 쫓아 무거운 수트 벗어 벗어
모차르트, 헨델, 비제 속의 엄청난 얘기가 하나도 부럽지 않게 내가 보여줄게
너무 좋으니까 정답은 이거니까
Ratin, Ratin swipji anheun eoneo-deulleo tto hokeun keukjeok, keukjeok story-e ppachyeo-deulgo
kajang bissan useul useul ipgo Euwa chom tteolmyeon-seo keukjang-ee kajang chu-eun chwaseok-e manchokan neo
yeokin dareuda
*Ne show Ne show Opera norae haneun opera chumchuneun ne opera
neomu chu-eunikka cheongdam-eun igeonikka
Ne show Ne show Opera nega mandeun opera sesang meotjin opera
ike chu-eunikka da kibon chu-eunikka
**neomu chu-eunikka cheongdam-eun igeonikka
ike chu-eunikka da kibon chu-eunikka
Mudae wi keu chanranhan jomyeong-arae-ro eokkae wi sse sseutachyeo naeri-neun keu kalchae sok-edo
Modu-ga hanbeon jjeum kkum kkun sarang, paeshin-kkajido yi chabeun 3bon, 4bon keu an-e dae itdago baro yeokida
Ne show Ne show Opera norae haneun opera chumchuneun ne opera
neomu yumyeonghaeseo da michyeodeul bonikka
Ne show Ne show Opera nega mandeun opera sesang meotjin opera
neomu meoshisseoseo da ulgo nanrinikka
neomu yumyeonghaeseo da michyeo bonikka
neomu meoshisseoseo da ulgo nanrinikka
Swipjineun anhji na somi cha maldo mot hal ttaega isseo ne mami wonhan keol chocha mukeo-un sut beoseo beoseo
mochart(mozart), Handen, biche keu sokee eomcheong nan yaeki ga hana-do bureopji anhke nega da boyeochulke chal bwa
Neomu chu-eunikka cheondameun ikeonikka

Losing yourself in the difficult latin, latin languages
or the dramatic, dramatic stories
Wearing the most expensive clothes, clothes
Wow, trembling a little, you’re satisfied
as you sit in the theatre’s most expensive seats
It’s different here
My show, my show, singing opera, dancing opera, my opera
‘Cause it’s too good, ’cause it’s the answer
My show, my show, the opera I made, the most stylish opera in the world
‘Cause this is good, ’cause everything feels good
‘Cause it’s too good, ’cause it’s the answer
‘Cause this is good, ’cause everything feels good
Under the brilliant lights that shine from above the stage
Amidst the applause that showers upon me
Everyone says all the love and betrayal they’ve dreamed of is contained in these short three or four minutes
My show, my show, singing opera, dancing opera, my opera
‘Cause it’s so famous everyone’s going crazy
My show, my show, the opera I made, the world’s most stylish opera
‘Cause it’s so cool everyone’s crying out in tears
‘Cause it’s so famous everyone’s going crazy
‘Cause it’s so cool everyone’s crying out in tears
It’s not easy, sometimes I lose my breath and can’t even speak
I’m following what your heart desires, I take off, take off my heavy suit
I’ll show you everything, feeling no envy for any of the profound stories of Mozart, Handel and Bizet
Watch closely
My show, my show, singing opera, dancing opera, my opera
‘Cause it’s too good, ’cause it’s the answer
My show, my show, the opera I made, the most stylish opera in the world
‘Cause this is good, ’cause everything feels good
‘Cause it’s too good, ’cause it’s the answer
‘Cause this is good, ’cause everything feels good
‘Cause it’s too good, ’cause it’s the answer
라라라라 (Be My Girl)
라라라라 라라라라 라라라라 엉망진창됐어
예측불허 지그재그 자꾸 왜이래 다가서면 뒷걸음쳐 헷갈리게
라라라라 라라라라 라라라라 엉망진창됐어 뒤죽박죽 Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh
일분일초 왔다갔다 맞추기가 힘들어 머리부터 발끝까지 취향에
라라라라 라라라라 라라라라 완전 넉다운됐어 어쩌냐 Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh
진짜 이상한 사실은 난지 몰라 돌고돌고돌아 어질어질 어려워
끝내 미소 한방 그거 하나에 Reset. Be My Girl
*고장 배터리 작동불가 자석처럼 오른쪽 왼쪽 끌어당겨
, 기다리던 순간 Catch Up 우물쭈물 벌써 아이쿠 아이쿠 Game Over
허둥지둥 깜빡 사이 놓칠라 정신차려 뛰는 위에는 나는 있다
라라라라 라라라라 라라라라 엄청 진땀뺐어 때문에 Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh
요리조리 이리저리 나도 늘었지 작용 반작용의 법칙 바짝 긴장 놓지마
라라라라 라라라라 라라라라 안절부절못해 때문에 Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh
하나 분명한 이건 사랑의 방식 두근두근두근 기대충만 기다려
밀고 당겨봐야 전부다 시간낭비 Be My Girl
**이것 물음표 막상막하 거울 보듯 닮아 아이참 아이참 기가 막혀
, 시작이야 결국 Warm Up 알쏭달쏭한 Love 됐어 됐어 거의 왔어
O.K. 스탠바이 꿈꿔왔던 순간이야 좌충우돌 예측불허 괜찮아 좋아
너를 향한 마음 변치 않아 약속할게 지켜봐라 사랑을
라라라라 라라라라 라라라라 엉망 진창됐어 뒤죽박죽 Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh
라라라라 라라라라 라라라라 엄청 진땀뺐어 때문에 Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh
Lalalala Lalalala Lalalala eongmang chinchang dwaesseo
Yecheuk burheo chikeu chaekeu chakku wae irae dakaseomyeon dwitgeok-eumchyeo etkallike hae
Lalalala Lalalala Lalalala eongmang chinchang dwaesseo dwichok bakchok Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh
Ilbon ilcho watda katda matchu-kiga himdeureo meoributeo palkkeut-kkaji ni chwihyang-e ttak
Lalalala Lalalala Lalalala wancheon neokda-un dwaesseo eocheonya na Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh
Chincha isanghan keon sashileun nanji molla dolgo dolgo dora eochil eochil eoryeowo
kkeutnae miso hanbang keu keo hana-e Reset. Be My Girl
*Gojang nan battery nan chakdong bolka neon nal chaseok cheoreom oreun jjeuk win jjeuk kkeureodaeng-kyeo
cha, kidarideon songan neol Catch Up umul chumul beolsseo aigoo Game Over
Heodeung Jideung nun kkamppak hal sai da nochilla cheongshincharyeo ttwineun nom wi-e-neun naneun nom itda
Lalalala Lalalala Lalalala eongmang chinchang dwaesseo neo ttaemun-e Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh
yori chori iricheori nado kkwae neureotji chakyong banchakyongee beopchik bachak kinjang nohjima
Lalalala Lalalala Lalalala an cheolbu jeol mot hae na ttaemun-e Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh
Hana bonmyeong han keot ikeon sarangee bangshik dugeun dugeun dugeun kidaechungman kidaryeo
Milgo dangkyeobwaya cheonbuda shigan nangbi Be My Girl
**Ikeot cham momeum-pyo oh maksang makha keo-ul bodeut dapda aicham aicham kiha makhyeo
Cha, Shijakiya kyeolkuk da Warm Up alssong dalsonghan Love dwaesseo dwaesseo keo-ee da wasseo
O.K. cha standby kkum kkwi watdeon sunganiya tto chwa chong udol yecheuk bolheo kwaenchanha da chu-a
neo-reul hyang-han ma-eum na byeonchi anha yaksok halke chikyeobwara nae sarangeul
Lalalala Lalalala Lalalala eongmang chinchang dwaesseo dwijok bakjok Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh
Lalalala Lalalala Lalalala eongmang chinchang dwaesseo neo ttaemun-e Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh

[All] Lalalala lalalala lalalala I’m a mess
[Siwon] I zig-zag unpredictably, why am I always like this?
When you get closer to me, I take a step back, I’m all confused
[Heechul] Lalalala lalalala lalalala I’m a mess
Topsy-turvy uh uh uh uh
[Donghae] You change your mind in an instant,
it’s so hard for me to always suit your taste from head to toe
[Eunhyuk] Lalalala lalalala lalalala It’s a total knockdown
What should I do? uh uh uh uh
[Kyuhyun] I don’t know if it’s me who’s weird
[Eunhyuk] I go round and round and get dizzy, this is hard
[Kyuhyun] When it’s over, all it takes is your smile to make me reset
[Eunhyuk] Be my girl, girl, girl
[Heechul] I’m like a broken battery that can’t be used
You pull me left and right like a magnet
[Ryeowook] Right, now is the moment I’ve waited for so I can catch up
I hesitate, aigoo aigoo game over
[Yesung] You’ll lose it all in the blink of an eye, get a hold of yourself
‘Cause no matter how well you’re doing someone else will always be doing better
[Leeteuk] Lalalala lalalala lalalala I’m covered in sweat
Because of you uh uh uh uh
[Ryeowook] Side to side, forwards and backwards, I’ve gotten better at this, haven’t I?
Every action has an opposite reaction, don’t let go of the tension
[Yesung] Lalalala lalalala lalalala you’re so restless
Because of me uh uh uh uh
[Sungmin] One thing is clear: this is the way love works
[Shindong] Thump thump thump I’m filled with anticipation
[Sungmin] We’re just pushing and pulling at each other
It’s a waste of time
[Shindong] Be my girl, girl, girl
[Kyuhyun] This is really a question, we’re evenly matched
When you look in the mirror we’re the same, oh god oh god, I’m at a loss
[Ryeowook] Right, this is the start, in the end this is all just the warm up
Love is so bewildering, alright alright, we’re almost there.
[Yesung] Okay, right, on standby. This is the moment we’ve dreamt of
It’s chaotic and unpredictable, but it’s okay, it’s all good
[Kyuhyun] My heart that wants you will never change, I promise this
Look after my love
[Kyuhyun] This is really a question, this is really a question
[Ryeowook] I’m like a broken battery that can’t be used
You pull me left and right like a magnet
Right, now is the moment I’ve waited for so I can catch up
I hesitate, aigoo aigoo game over
[All] Lalalala lalalala lalalala I’m a mess
Topsy-turvy uh uh uh uh
Lalalala lalalala lalalala I’m covered in sweat
Because of you uh uh uh uh
I’m walkin’ to the day, I’m walkin’ to the day (eh eh eh eh)
(Wo~) I’m walkin’ to the day (Wo~) I’m walkin’ to the day (eh eh eh eh)
걸음마다 멀어져 그만큼 멀리멀리 걷다가 한번쯤 발길에 넘어지면 다시금 털면 (eh eh eh)
아침엔 잊혀지는 꿈만큼 자꾸자꾸 잊혀져 순간들 지금의 그리움도 아픔도 모두
고된 믿음과 착각 너머 펼쳐진 길은 멀어 보여도
* I’m walkin’ 높은 언덕마루 I’m walkin’ 낡은 운동화로
I’m walkin’
매일 걷겠지 나는 언제까지 나는 언제까지나
One Step
넓은 파란하늘 One Step 멀리 보이는
I’m walkin’
내일 닿게 거긴 어디까지 거긴 어디까질까
(Wo~) I’m walkin’ to the day (Wo~) I’m walkin’ to the day (eh eh eh eh)
수많은 아무개 하나 어느 가슴속에 담아둔 특별했던 사람 혹은 사랑일 있다면
메마른 사막 어딘가에 지친 걸음 멈추지 않게 가닥 힘이 텐데
고된 믿음과 착각 너머 펼쳐진 길은 멀어 보여도
딛고 있는 곳에 지금 머무르는 곳에 잠시 찾아 드는 편안이 익숙해져
조금 있고 싶은 유혹이 나를 주저 앉혀도 ( 왔잖아 왔잖아) 눈앞에 길은 멀어 보여도
가끔은 지친 절름발이 바람에 닳은 걸음걸이
박자에 맞춰 걷겠지 나는 언제까지 나는 언제까지나
I’m walkin’ to the day, I’m walkin’ to the day (eh eh eh eh)
(Wo~) I’m walkin’ to the day (Wo~) I’m walkin’ to the day (eh eh eh eh)
Keoleum-mada meoreochyeo keuman keum meolli meolli keotdaga hanbeon cheum balkir-e neomeojimyeon na dashikeum teolmyeon dwae (eh eh eh)
achimen ijhyeoji-neun kkum mankeum chakku chakku ithyeochyeo kal sungandeul chigeum-ee keuri-eumdo i apeumdo modu
Godwin mideum-gwa chak gak neo meo pyeol chyeochin i kireun meoreo boyeodo
* I’m walkin’ nopeun eondeokmaru I’m walkin’ narkeun undonghwaro
I’m walkin’ mae-il keotketji naneun eonjekkaji naneun eonjekkaji
One Step neopeun paran haneul One Step meori bo-ineun kkeul
I’m walkin’ nae-il dahke dwil keokin eodikkaji keokin eodikkaji
(Wo~) I’m walkin’ to the day (Wo~) I’m walkin’ to the day (eh eh eh eh)
Sumanheun amuke cheung hana deul eoneu kaseumsok-e damadun deukbyeol haetdeon han saram hokeun han sarang-il su itdamyeon
memareun samak eodinka-e chichin geoleum meomchuchi anke han kadak himi dwil tende
Godwin mideum-gwa chak gak neo meo pyeol chyeochin i kireun meoreo boyeodo
du bal ditgo itneun i koshe na chigeum meomureuneun i koshe chamshi chaja deuneun pyeon-ani tto insokhaechyeo
chogeum deo itgo sipeun yuhoki nareul chucheo anhyeodo
(da watjanha da watjanha) nun ap-e kileun meoreo boyeodo
Kakkumeun jichin jeol keumbari baram-e dareun keoleum keori
pakcha-e matchwo keotketda naneun eonje-kkaji naneun eonje-kkaji

I’m walkin’ to the day,
I’m walkin’ to the day (eh eh eh eh)
(Wo~) I’m walkin’ to the day (Wo~)
I’m walkin’ to the day (eh eh eh eh)
Each step gets further-
as I walk farther and farther
If I trip over my feet and fall, I can just brush myself off
Like the dreams that are forgotten in the morning
These moments will continue to be forgotten
The yearnings and even this pain- everything
Past the tough trust and misunderstanding
Though the road ahead seems far
I’m walkin over the tall hills
I’m walkin with these old sneakers
I’m walkin every single day
Till always, till always
One step toward the vast blue sky
One step toward the finish line far ahead
I’m walkin till that someplace that will come tomorrow
Where is that someplace?
(Wo~) I’m walkin’ to the day
(Wo~) I’m walkin’ to the day (eh eh eh eh)
Out of the many people that I’ve met
In my heart there was a special person
If there is only one love
In the dry and barren desert somewhere
If I don’t want to stop my tired footsteps
That person would be strength to me
Past the tough trust and misunderstanding
Though the road ahead seems far
I’m walkin over the tall hills
I’m walkin with these old sneakers
I’m walkin every single day
Till always, till always
One step toward the vast blue sky
One step toward the finish line far ahead
I’m walkin till that someplace that will come tomorrow
Where is that someplace?
In this place where I place my two feet
In this place where I am staying
The momentary peace finds me and I get used to it
The temptation of wanting to stay a little bit more
Makes me just sit down (almost there, almost there)
Though the road ahead seems far
Though I may be crippled, who is tired at times
And though I would have my footsteps against the wind
I will walk with the rhythm
Till always, till always
I’m walkin over the tall hills
I’m walkin with these old sneakers
I’m walkin every single day
Till always, till always
One step toward the vast blue sky
One step toward the finish line far ahead
I’m walkin till that someplace that will come tomorrow
Where is that someplace?
폭풍 (Storm)
그만 말해 입술을 열기도 전에 모든걸 알아버린 내가 원망스럽다
거짓말로 도망가고 싶지만 너의 눈이 이젠 안녕이라 말을 하네
*겨우 가려고 마음을 잡아 거친 폭풍처럼 밀려왔다 마치 빗물처럼 지워질 운명이겠지만
깨진 거울 위에 맺어진 인연보다 더욱 아팠기에
걸음의 끝을 보내는 마음을 모르겠지
그만 울어 눈물에 젖기도 전에 모든걸 알아버린 내가 원망스럽다
거짓말로 피해보려 하지만 너의 눈이 이젠 안녕이라 말을 하네
**겨우 가려고 마음을 잡아 거친 폭풍처럼 밀려왔다 마치 빗물처럼 지워질 운명이겠지만
뜨겁던 사랑 열병을 앓고 메말라 버린 입술 위로
흘러내리는 눈물의 의미를 모르겠지
멀어지려고 너무 애쓰지마 이미 몸은 조각나 깨져버렸어 네가 원했던 대로
네게 걸음도 더는 가까이 없어
*겨우 가려고 마음을 잡아 거친 폭풍처럼 밀려왔다 마치 빗물처럼 지워질 운명이겠지만
깨진 거울 위에 맺어진 인연보다 더욱 아팠기에
걸음의 끝을 보내는 마음을 모르고
뜨겁던 사랑 열병을 앓고 메말라 버린 입술 위로 흘러내리는 눈물의 의미를 모르겠지
geuman malhae geu ipsureul yeolgido jeone modeungeol arabeorin naega wonmangseureopda
geojitmallo domanggago sipjiman neoui du nuni ijen annyeongira mareul hane
gyeou garyeogo maeumeul jaba geochin pokpungcheoreom millyeowatda machi bitmulcheoreom jiwojil unmyeongigetjiman
kkaejin geoul wie maejeojin inyeonboda deouk apatgie
i georeumui kkeuteul bonaeneun maeumeul neon moreugetji
geuman ureo geu nunmure jeotgido jeone modeungeol arabeorin naega wonmangseureopda
geojitmallo pihaeboryeo hajiman neoui du nuni ijen annyeongira mareul hane
gyeou garyeogo maeumeul jaba geochin pokpungcheoreom millyeowatda machi bitmulcheoreom jiwojil unmyeongigetjiman
tteugeopdeon sarang yeolbyeongeul arko memalla beorin ipsul geu wiro
heulleonaerineun nae nunmurui uimireul neon moreugetji
deo meoreojiryeogo neomu aesseujima imi nae momeun jogangna kkaejyeobeoryeosseo nega wonhaetdeon daero
nege han georeumdo deoneun gakkai gal su eobseo
gyeou garyeogo maeumeul jaba geochin pokpungcheoreom millyeowatda machi bitmulcheoreom jiwojil unmyeongigetjiman
kkaejin geoul wie maejeojin inyeonboda deouk apatgie
i georeumui kkeuteul bonaeneun maeumeul neon moreugo
tteugeopdeon sarang yeolbyeongeul arko memalla beorin ipsul geu wiro heulleonaerineun nae nunmurui uimireul neon moreugetji

Stop talking
I hate myself for knowing everything
Before you even opened your mouth
I wanted to lie and run away but
Your two eyes are telling me goodbye
I finally set my heart to leave
And it came to me like a harsh storm
It might be a fate that will wash away like the rain
Because it was more painful than a fate shattered like glass
At the end of this walk, I let you know but you wouldn’t know
Stop crying
I hate myself for knowing everything
Before I get wet with your tears
I tried to lie and avoid it but
Your two eyes are telling me goodbye
I finally set my heart to leave
And it came to me like a harsh storm
It might be a fate that will wash away like the rain
I was sick with a love fever
The meaning of these tears trickling to my dried lips- you’ll never know
Don’t try too hard to get far away
My body has already broken into pieces just like you wanted
I can’t go a step closer to you
I finally set my heart to leave
And it came to me like a harsh storm
It might be a fate that will wash away like the rain
Because it was more painful than a fate shattered like glass
At the end of this walk, I let you know but you wouldn’t know
I was sick with a love fever
The meaning of these tears trickling to my dried lips- you’ll never know
어느새 우린 (Good Friends)
긴장했던 첫날 아무 못했지
이렇게 우리 많은 함께 할지
그땐 정말 몰랐어 어느새 우린
풋내기였었지 허세도 떨었었지
이렇게 우리 서로를 알아갈지
그땐 정말 몰랐어 어느새 우린
*나눈 많잖아 Oh- Oh- 흘린 눈물 비밀
미워했던 시간까지 사랑할 있겠어 어느새 우린
떨어질 없어 보고플 거야 그리울 거야 I love my friends
잊지 못할 거야 안아줘 잊지마 변하지마
얼굴도 붉혔지 포기할 했지
하지만 우리 손을 놓지 않았어
그땐 정말 고마웠어 어느새 우린 어느새 우린
언젠가 우린 이별을 하겠지 Oh- Oh- 수도 있겠지
그땐 우리 추억 힘이 될까 다시 만날 때까지 언젠가 우린
나나나나나나나나나나나나나나나나나나나나나~ 어느새 우린
떨어질 없어 보고플 거야 그리울 거야 I Love My Friends
잊지 못할 거야 안아줘 잊지마 사랑해
ginjanghaetdeon cheotnal nan amu mal motaetji
ireoke uri manheun nal hamkke halji
geuttaen jeongmal mollasseo eoneusae urin
putnaegiyeosseotji heosedo tteoreosseotji
ireoke uri seororeul aragalji
geuttaen jeongmal mollasseo eoneusae urin
nanun ge manchanha Oh- Oh- heullin ttam nunmul bimil
miwohaetdeon sigankkaji nan saranghal su itgesseo eoneusae urin
tteoreojil su eobseo bogopeul geoya geuriul geoya I love my friends
itji motal geoya nal anajwo nal itjima byeonhajima
eolguldo burkhyeotji da pogihal ppeon haetji
hajiman uri soneul nochi anhasseo
geuttaen jeongmal gomawosseo eoneusae urin eoneusae urin
eonjenga urin ibyeoreul hagetji Oh- Oh- mot bol sudo itgetji
geuttaen uri chueok himi doelkka dasi mannal ttaekkaji eonjenga urin
nanananananananananananananananananananana~ eoneusae urin
tteoreojil su eobseo bogopeul geoya geuriul geoya I Love My Friends
itji motal geoya nal anajwo nal itjima neol saranghae

On my first day I was so nervous, I couldn’t say a word
We didn’t know back then that we’d spend these many days together
But we’ve already…
We were all so inexperienced- we would be cocky and show off
We didn’t know back then that we’d get to know each other like this
But we’ve already….
There’s so many things that we’ve shared together
The dripping sweat, tears and secrets
Even all the times we hated each other
But I can love all those times- we’ve already
We can’t grow apart- then I will miss you- I love my friends
I will never forget- embrace me, don’t forget me, don’t change
Our faces were flushed- we all almost gave up
But we didn’t let go of our hands
I was so thankful for back then
We’ve already, we’ve already
There’s so many things that we’ve shared together
The dripping sweat, tears and secrets
Even all the times we hated each other
But I can love all those times- we’ve already
Someday we will all have to say goodbye
We might not be able to see each other
Then our memories will be our strength
Till the day we meet again some day
Na na na na na na ~ we’ve already
We can’t grow apart- then I will miss you- I love my friends
I will never forget- embrace me, don’t forget me, I love you all
결투 (Feels Good)
Feels Good (x4)
*시간이 온다 Feels Good, Feels Good 승부를 건다 Feels Good, Feels Good
맞붙어 본다 Feels Good, Feels Good 그녀가 본다 Feels Good, Feels Good
참고 참고 참았어 가소롭고 우습다 삼자대면하기 전에 결투신청 하리오
튕겨 튕겨 나갔다 이제 와서 그녀와 맺어지는 순간 다시 매달리는 거니
그건 내가 소리고 네가 그녈 노리고 꾸며낸 스토리고
멋대로 굴지 저기 그녀가 바로 나의 Love
어쭈 잡아떼긴 듣기 지겹다 뱉어내는 Lie Lie Lie Lie
닳고 닳고 닳았던 자존심이 걸렸다 네가 만든 비극 속에 살아남을 나지만
두고두고 보겠어 치사하게 남자가 한입으로 말하면 어떤 결론 나는지
그녀만의 선택은 이미 내가 로미오 (x3)
이미 내가 로미오 (나의 포로)
Rap> 폭풍전야 둘의 눈싸움 크게 번져 가지마 착잡해 거침없이 이래
사소한 일에 목숨 걸고 다투지 Hot Hot Hot Like Fire 그녀가 누군데 왜들 그래
걷다가 같은 시간 돌아서 마음을 겨누고서 어디 한번 꺾어봐
하난 여기서 무릎 꿇는 순간 미련 따윈 버리고서 남자답게 떠난다
Feels Good 4X
sigani onda Feels Good, Feels Good seungbureul geondaFeels Good, Feels Good
matbuteo bonda Feels Good, Feels Good geunyeoga bonda Feels Good, Feels Good
chamgo chamgo chamasseo gasoropgo useupda samjadaemyeonhagi jeone gyeoltusincheong hario
twinggyeo twinggyeo nagatda ije waseo geunyeowa maejeojineun sungan dasi maedallineun geoni neo
geugeon naega hal sorigo nega geunyeol norigo kkumyeonaen seutorigo
meotdaero gulji ma jeogi geunyeoga baro naui Love
eojju jabattegin deutgi jigyeopda baeteonaeneun Lie Lie Lie Lie
sigani onda Feels Good, Feels Good seungbureul geonda Feels Good, Feels Good
matbuteo bonda Feels Good, Feels Good geunyeoga bonda Feels Good, Feels Good
darko darko darhatdeon jajonsimi geollyeotda nega mandeun bigeuk soge saranameul najiman
dugodugo bogesseo chisahage namjaga hanibeuro du malhamyeon eotteon gyeollon naneunji
geunyeomanui seontaegeun imi naega romio (x3)
imi naega romio (naui poro)
pokpungjeonya durui nunssaum deo keuge beonjyeo gajima nae mam chakjaphae geochimeobsi wae irae
tto sasohan ire moksum geolgo datuji ma Hot Hot HotLike Fire geunyeoga nugunde waedeul geurae
sigani onda Feels Good, Feels Good seungbureul geonda Feels Good, Feels Good
matbuteo bonda Feels Good, Feels Good geunyeoga bonda Feels Good, Feels Good
han bal du bal geotdaga gateun sigan doraseo nae maeumeul gyeonugoseo eodi hanbeon kkeokkeobwa
dul jung hanan yeogiseo mureup kkurnneun geu sungan miryeon ttawin beorigoseo namjadapge tteonanda

Feels Good (x4)
*The time is coming
Feels good, feels good
I will have my victory
Feels good, feels good
I will tackel this
Feels good, feels good
She is watching
Feels good feels good
I tried so so hard to be patient
This is so ridiculous and funny
Before we have our three-person confrontation
Sign up for the fight
It bounced bounced away
The moment that you could have had with her
Are you going to cling onto her again?
That’s what I want to say
That’s the story you made up to get her
Don’t be so cocky- she is my love
Stop playing innocent- I’m sick of your lies
All you say are lie lie lie lies
Did your pride that wore out finally get to you?
In this tragedy that you made up, I will be the one to survive but
I want to see how you end up
You’re such a cheapshot for a guy
Let’s see what happens when you talk of two different things with one mouth
Her choice is already made- I’m her Romeo (x3)
I’m already Romeo (My prisoner)
It’s the calm before the storm
This battle of the eyes- don’t make it a bigger deal than it is
I’m so confused, why’re you so unhindered?
Don’t fight over trivial things
Hot hot hot like fire
Who is she for you guys to act like this?
Take one step and two steps and turn around at the same time
Take an aim at my heart and let’s see if you can overturn it
The moment that one of us has to kneel before the other-
You have to leave all the past behind and take your leave like a man
Feels Good (x4)
*The time is coming
Feels good, feels good
I will have my victory
Feels good, feels good
I will tackel this
Feels good, feels good
She is watching
Feels good feels good
I tried so so hard to be patient
This is so ridiculous and funny
Before we have our three-person confrontation
Sign up for the fight
It bounced bounced away
The moment that you could have had with her
Are you going to cling onto her again?
That’s what I want to say
That’s the story you made up to get her
Don’t be so cocky- she is my love
Stop playing innocent- I’m sick of your lies
All you say are lie lie lie lies
Did your pride that wore out finally get to you?
In this tragedy that you made up, I will be the one to survive but
I want to see how you end up
You’re such a cheapshot for a guy
Let’s see what happens when you talk of two different things with one mouth
Her choice is already made- I’m her Romeo (x3)
I’m already Romeo (My prisoner)
It’s the calm before the storm
This battle of the eyes- don’t make it a bigger deal than it is
I’m so confused, why’re you so unhindered?
Don’t fight over trivial things
Hot hot hot like fire
Who is she for you guys to act like this?
Take one step and two steps and turn around at the same time
Take an aim at my heart and let’s see if you can overturn it
The moment that one of us has to kneel before the other-
You have to leave all the past behind and take your leave like a man
기억을 따라 (Memories)
사랑했잖아 우리 함께한 많은 동안
함께 아파했잖아 서로의 일인 줄도 모르고
어디 있는 거니 나의 목소리 들리질 않니
아픈 심장이 너를 찾는다 너를 부른다 미치도록
*가슴이 눈물이 너의 기억이
방울 방울 가슴에 흘러 내린다
울어도 울어도 지워지지 않는 기억을 따라
오늘도 가슴을 적신다
좋아했잖아 작은 미소에 웃어줬잖아
함께 울었었잖아 나의 눈물에 아파했잖아
지금 어디 있는 거니 지친 모습이 보이질 않니
아픈 심장이 너를 찾는다 너를 부른다 미치도록
내게로 돌아와줄래 매일 이름 부르며
지친 기다림 속에 너를 찾아 헤매는 나잖아
사랑이 눈물이 너와의 추억이
방울 방울 가슴에 흘러 내린다
울어도 울어도 지워지지 않는 기억을 따라
오늘도 가슴을 적신다
saranghetjana uri hamkkehan maneun nal dongan
hamkke apahetjana soroye irin juldo moreugo
non odi inneun goni naye moksori deullijil anni
apeun ne simjangi noreul chatneunda noreul bureunda michidorok
*gaseumi nunmuri tto noye giogi
han bangul han bangul tto ne gaseume heullo nerinda
urodo urodo jiwojiji anneun giogeul ttara
oneuldo bin ne gaseumeul tto joksinda
joahetjana jageun ne misoe usojwotjana
hamkke urossotjana naye nunmure apahetjana
jigeum odi inneun goni jichin ne moseubi boijil anni
apeun ne simjangi noreul chatneunda noreul bureunda michidorok
negero dorawajulle meil ne ireum bureumyo
jichin gidarim soge noreul chaja hemeneun najana
sarangi nunmuri nowaye chuogi
han bangul han bangul tto ne gaseume heullo nerinda
urodo urodo jiwojiji anneun giogeul ttara
oneuldo bin ne gaseumeul tto joksinda
We used to love during the many days we were together
We used to hurt together- making each other’s pain our own
Where are you? Can’t you hear my voice?
My pained heart is looking for you
Is calling out to you- crazily
My heart, my tears, my memories of you
Drop by drop, they are falling against my chest
Though I cry and I cry, the memories won’t erase
And again today, I drench my empty heart
We used to like each other- you laughed at my smile
We used to cry together- you were pained by my tears
Where are you? Can’t you see my tired body?
My pained heart is looking for you
Is calling ou to you – crazily
My heart, my tears, my memories of you
Drop by drop, they are falling against my chest
Though I cry and I cry, the memories won’t erase
And again today, I drench my empty heart
Please come back to me- I call out your name every night
And in my exhausted waiting, I wander around and look for you
My love, my tears, our memories
Drop by drop, they are falling against my chest
Though I cry and I cry, the memories won’t erase
And again today, I drench my empty heart
해바라기 (Sunflower)
머리 침착하게 단순하게 산뜻하게 Yeah-
볼에는 촉촉한 Lotion 감각적인 Fashion 잡지모델 비슷하게
그녀가 사는 건너 골목 무작정 찾아가기 전에
휘파람 불며 하나 (걸어가네) 오늘도 그녈 욕심
사로잡는 아직 모르지만 (Yeah-) 날마다 그녈 향한 전하리
그녀의 곁에 해바라기 (해바라기X2)
콧노래 Hum- (해바라기X2)
사랑이 싹트는 소리 그녀 오는 뿌려놓지 Yeah-
나는 그녀 몰래 Ah! 물끄러미 보네
여기까지 조금만 나라는 사람 눈에 보여 있게 Yeah-
그녀가 내려앉았네 (내려앉았네) 사랑의 종이 울렸네 (종이 울렸네)
보고 봐도 너무 예쁜 사람 (그녀 품에 가는) 그녀 품에 가는 길을 찾으리 (Yeah-)
그녀가 가꿔준 (그녀 때문에 ) 해바라기 (해바라기X2)
가슴이 설레 Hum- (해바라기X2)
나의 향긋함에 다가서도록 때론 달빛 속에 밤이 새도록
항상 여기 있어 그녀가 반기러 멈추도록
휘파람 불며 하나 (들키지 않게) 오늘도 그녈 욕심 (사로잡고 싶어)
사로잡는 아직 모르지만 날마다 그녈 향한 전하리 그녀의 곁에 해바라기
그녀가 내려앉았네 사랑의 종이 울렸네
보고 봐도 너무 예쁜 사람 그녀 품에 가는 길을 찾으리
그녀가 가꿔준 해바라기 (해바라기X2)
해바라기X2) 라라라라- Hum-
mori jom sso chimchakhage dansunhage santteut-hage Yeah
du boreneun chokchokhan Lotion gamgakjogin Fashion japjimodel biseut-hage
geunyoga saneun gil gonno golmok mujakjong chajagagi jone
*hwiparam bulmyo hana dul set (gorogane) nan oneuldo geunyol yoksim ne
sarojamneun bop ajik moreujiman (Yeah) nalmada geunyol hyanghan ne mam jonhari
nan geunyoye gyote pin hebaragi (hebaragi x2)
kotnore Hum (hebaragi x2)
sarangi ssakteuneun sori geunyo oneun gil ppuryonochi Yeah
naneun geunyo molle Ah! mulkkeuromi bone
yogikkaji jogeumman do wa jwo naraneun saram geu nune boyo jil su itge Yeah
geunyoga neryoanjanne (neryoanjanne) ne sarang-e jongi ullyonne (jongi ullyonne)
bogo tto bwado nomu yeppeun saram (geunyo pume ganeun) nan geunyo pume ganeun gireul chajeuri (Yeah)
nan geunyoga gakkwojun (geunyo ttemune pin) hebaragi (hebaragix 2)
gaseumi solle Hum (haebaragi x2)
naye hyanggeut-hame dagasodorok tteron dalbit soge bami sedorok
hangsang na yogi so isso geunyoga nal ban-giro momchudorok
hwiparam bulmyo hana dul set (deulkiji anke) nan oneuldo geunyol yoksim ne (sarojapgo sipo)
sarojamneun bop ajik moreujiman nalmada geunyol hyanghan ne mam jonhari nan geunyoye gyote pin hebaragi
geunyoga neryoanjanne ne sarang-e jongi ullyonne
bogo tto bwado nomu yeppeun saram nan geunyo pume ganeun gireul chajeuri
nan geunyoga gakkwojun hebaragi (hebaragi x2)
hebaragi x2) laralara Hum
Use your head- take it slow, make it simple and neat
Put on moisturizing lotion on my two cheeks
Have a good sense of fashion- just like a magazine model
Before I go to the street across where she lives
As I whistle one, two, three (I’m walking along)
Today, again, I long for her
I don’t know the way to completely get her yet
But I send my heart to her everyday
I am a sunflower bloomed next to her (sunflower x2)
As I hum along (sunflower x2)
I scatter the sound of love budding on the street she walks
Without her knowing ah! I secretly take a look at her
Come over where I am, just a little bit more
So that you can see what kind of person I am
She has sat down (sat down)
My love bell has rang (bell has rang)
The more I look, she is so pretty
(The way to her embrace) I search for the way to her embrace
I am her sunflower (bloomed because of her) (sunflower x2)
My heart is nervously excited (sunflower x2)
In order for her to come toward me because of my scent
I sometimes stand in the moonlight, all night long
I stand here as always- so she can stop to greet me
As I whistle one, two, three (I’m walking along)
Today, again, I long for her
I don’t know the way to completely get her yet
But I send my heart to her everyday
I am a sunflower bloomed next to her (sunflower x2)
As I hum along (sunflower x2)
She has sat down (sat down)
My love bell has rang (bell has rang)
The more I look, she is so pretty
(The way to her embrace) I search for the way to her embrace
I am her sunflower (bloomed because of her) (sunflower x2)
My heart is nervously excited (sunflower x2)
엉뚱한 상상 (White Christmas)
언제부터인지 나도 수는 없지만 성탄절에 눈이 오지 않기 시작했어
매년 그때가 되면 우린 기대하지 어린아이같이 설레이는 마음으로
일기예보에서도 눈이 거라 하지만 벌써 년째 틀리는지 정말 모르겠어
세상 사람들 모두가 바라고 있을 거야 올해 성탄절에는 하얀 눈을 거라고
*어쩌면 올지도 몰라 너무 조바심내하면 하늘은
착하게 사는 곳에만 축복을 내려 줄거라 하지
** 밖을 눈이
그렇게 기다리던 하얀 눈이 세상을 하얗게 덮어주는 하얀 눈이
언제부터인지 나도 수는 없지만 성탄절에 눈이 오지 않기 시작했어
세상사람들 모두가 바라고 있을 거야 올해 성탄절에는 하얀 눈을 거라고
Rap> 상상하다 보니 모든 어느샌가 현실이 산타 할아버지 오시는 길엔 눈이 내려야
폼나게 미끄러지게 썰매 끌어줄래? 루돌프 사슴코 O.K?
이왕 선물은 명품으로 어때? 매일 상상으로 밤새
만족해 이렇게 기다리고 기다리던 눈만 내려주면 O.K?
밖을 ( 밖을 ) 그렇게 기다리던 하얀 눈이
지금 세상을 ( 세상을) 하얗게 덮어주는 하얀 눈이
onjebutoinji nado al suneun opjiman songtanjore nuni oji anki sijakhesso
menyon geuttega dwemyon urin gidehaji orinai gachi solleineun maeumeuro
ilgiyeboesodo nuni ol gora hajiman bolsso myot nyonjje teullineunji jongmal moreugesso
sesang saramdeul moduga barago isseul goya orhe songtanjoreneun hayan nuneul bol gorago
*ojjomyon an oljido molla nomu jobasimnehamyon haneureun
chakhage saneun goseman chukbogeul-leryo julgora haji
**chang bakkeul bwa nuni wa
geuroke gidaridon hayan nuni wa on sesangeul hayake dopojuneun hayan nuni wa
onjebutoinji nado al suneun opjiman songtanjore nuni oji anki sijakhesso
sesangsaramdeul moduga barago isseul goya orhe songtanjoreneun hayan nuneul bol gorago
Rap> sangsanghada boni modeun ge oneusenga hyonsiri dwe santa haraboji osineun giren nuni neryoya dwe
pomnage jjuk mikkeurojige ssolme kkeurojulle? rudolpeu saseumko O.K?
iwang ol tte sonmureun myongpumeuro otte? meil nan sangsangeuro bamse
manjokhe iroke gidarigo gidaridon huin nunman neryojumyon O.K?
chang bakkeul bwa (chang bakkeul bwa) geuroke gidaridon hayan nuni wa
jigeum wa on sesangeul (on sesangeul) hayake dopojuneun hayan nuni wa

I don’t know since when but
It started not to snow on Christmas
Every time that time of year comes around
We are so excited- just like kids
The weather report says it will snow
But it’s been wrong for so many years
The whole world will be expecting it
Expecting snow on Christmas Day
It might not snow if we worry too much
The skies only bless places that have good people
Look out the window- it’s snowing
The white snow that we’ve all been waiting for is coming
The white snow that is covering the whole world is coming
I don’t know since when but
It started not to snow on Christmas
The whole world will be expecting it
Expecting snow on Christmas Day
It might not snow if we worry too much
The skies only bless places that have good people
Look out the window- it’s snowing
The white snow that we’ve all been waiting for is coming
The white snow that is covering the whole world is coming
After imagining it, everything became reality
The path that Santa will take needs to have snow
Will you pull my sled so that it will smoothly glide, Rudolph, OK?
Now that you’re coming, why not bring some designer brand presents?
I spend all night imagining
I’ll be satisfied if the long-awaited snow falls, OK?
Look out the window- it’s snowing
The white snow that we’ve all been waiting for is coming
The white snow that is covering the whole world is coming
Look out the window- it’s snowing
The white snow that we’ve all been waiting for is coming
The white snow that is covering the whole world is coming
보면 () 웃음만 (나와) 수줍은 미소까지도 Yeah
보는 눈빛은 슬픈 혹시 이별을 말하려고 하니 Baby
매일같이 반복될 모습에 너는 그리도 지쳤는지 용서하겠니?
다시 한번 생각해 생각해줄래 이제는 놓지 않을게
*너를 울린 내가 바보라서
너를 보낸 내가 부족해서
지우려 했던 그런 나를 용서해
제발 다시 숨을 있게
보면 () 눈물이 (흘러) 나를 바보로 만드는
혹시라도 변할 돌아올 길에 내가 있을게 Baby
준비했던 이별이 나에게는 지금 죽을 같이 아파 시간이 지나도
아직 너를 보내기엔 보내기에는 줄게 너무 많은데 Yeah
어디서부터 얘기할까 언제부턴가 뭐랄까 소중함이란 잃어갔잖아 ( 해도 알잖아)
근데요, 그대여 우리 함께였던 일분 일초가 눈부시게 아름답던 예쁜 미소가 그리워 맘에 닿길
슬픈 기도가 빗속을 지나 혹시 있을까
내가 지금 너무 아파 네가 떠난 지금이 너무 아파 뭐가 이리 힘든지 매일 생각해
하루라도 하면 맘이 불안한 아니 아니 모르겠지 이런 리가 없지
너도 가끔 생각이 난다면 돌아오면
사랑한단 향해 하는
보고 싶단 안고 싶은 오직 사람
너를 지키고 싶어 다시 (내게) 돌아와 너를 위해
nol bomyon (nan) useumman (nawa) sujubeun misokkajido Yeah
nal boneun ne nunbicheun seulpeun gol hoksi ibyoreul marharyogo hani Baby
meilgachi tto banbokdwel ne moseube noneun geurido jichyonneunji nal yongsohagenni?
dasi hanbon do senggakhe senggakhejulle ijeneun nochi aneulge
*noreul ullin gon nega baboraso
noreul bonen gon nega bujokheso nol
jiuryo hetdon geuron nareul yongsohe jwo nal
jebal dasi sumeul swil su itge
nol bomyon (nan) nunmuri (heullo) nareul baboro mandeuneun no
hoksirado ne mam byonhal tte doraol gire nega so isseulge Baby
junbihetdon ne ibyori naegeneun jigeum jugeul got gachi apa sigani jinado
ajik noreul bonegien bonegieneun he julge nomu maneunde Yeah
odisobuto yegihalkka onjebuton-ga mworalkka sojunghamiran gol irogatjana (mar-an hedo aljana)
geundeyo, geudeyo uri hamkkeyotdon ilbun ilchoga nunbusige areumdapdon yeppeun misoga geuriwo ne mame kkok dakil
ne seulpeun gidoga i bissogeul jina hoksi bol su isseulkka
nega jigeum nomu apa nega ttonan jigeumi nan nomu apa mwoga iri himdeunji meil bam nan nol senggakhe
harurado an hamyon ne mami buranhan gol non ani eum ani moreugetji iron nal al-liga opji
nodo gakkeum ne senggagi nandamyon geu tte non doraomyon dwe
saranghandan mal nol hyanghe haneun mal
bogo sipdan mal nor-an-go sipeun mal ojik han saram
noreul jikigo sipo dasi (nege) dorawa jul noreul wihe
(Donghae) Looking at you (me)
Just (only) a smile
A smile immersed with shyness (yeah)
Your eyes looked sad when you looked at me
Perhaps that was when you were about to bid farewell (honey baby)
(Sungmin) Repeating like everyday
(Ryeowook) My appearance
Missing you that it became restless
(Yesung) Will you forgive me?
(Sungmin) Please think twice
(Ryeowook) Think again
I won’t let go at this moment
Make you cry
(Sungmin) Is because of my stupidness
Letting you go
(Sungmin) Is because I am lacking in many ways
Please forgive me who wants to forget you
Please let me have a chance to breath again
(Kyuhyun) Looking at you (me)
Tears (rolled down)
You turned me into a fool (yeah)
Perhaps when you change your mind
I will stand on the road where you used to travel back to me (baby)
(Siwon) Your leaving which had been known earlier
(Yesung) Has no difference from a pain which cause me almost dead to me right now
(Sungmin) Time passes
(Siwon) I still can’t let you go
(Yesung) Letting you go
I’ve did too much for you
Make you cry
(Siwon) Is because of my stupidness
Letting you go
(Siwon) Is because I am lacking in many ways
(Sungmin) Please forgive me who wants to forget you
(Ryeowook) Please let me have a chance to breath again
(Eunhyuk) Where can I start telling
When can I start telling
What can I tell
Those precious words had been forgotten (you will understand even if I don’t tell)
Those moments we spent together
Minutes and seconds which we misses
The shimmering, beautiful smile
Has to be kept in your heart
(Donghae) I prayed while heart aching
If we can still meet when the rain stops
I am very miserable right now
Your leaving made the current me suffer
What matters me
I think of you every night
If there’s one day I don’t think about you
My heart will feel unsafe (girl)
You (no) Mmhm (no) Don’t know anything right?
You are not familiar with this kind of me
If only you would think about me anytime
If you could come back by then
That would be great
The phrase I love you
The phrase from me that only you can listen to
The phrase I miss you
The phrase that says I wanted to hug you
The only one
(Ryeowook) I want to protect you
Once again
For you
(Kyuhyun) To be by my side again
My Love, My Kiss, My Heart
하루가 일년 같아 계속 내려앉는 가슴이 흔적만 찾고 있으니까 일째
모래알 같아 숟갈 억지로 삼켜봐도 없는 하루는 멈춰있어 지금 이대로
*My Love, My Kiss, My Heart
모두 묻어둘게 가슴속 깊은 Yeah~
One Love, One Kiss, To My Heart
모두 잊어볼게 모두 지울게
울려대는 심장소리 거짓말 같아 아픔도 씻겨진 번진 글씨처럼 너와 흐려졌어 지워졌어
세상은 그대론데 둘러보면 너만 곁에 없는걸
너를 잃은 전부 잃은 되돌릴 수도 없는걸 Yeah~
깨져버린 조각같은 추억들만 박혀 있는 같아
심장 깊이 심장 깊이 심장 깊이 깊은 곳에 Oh- Oh-
눈물로 범벅이 얼굴만 아른거리며 맴돌고 있어 맴돌고 있어 모든걸 가져간
**Last Love, Last Kiss, Last Dream
너를 아는 가슴이 너만을 기억해
Goodbye My Love My Kiss
멈춰 있을 같아 없이 이대로
haruga illyeon gata gyesok naeryeoantneun nae gaseumi ne heunjeongman chatgo isseunikka myeot iljjae
moraeal gata bap han sutgal eokjiro samkyeobwado neo eomneun haruneun meomchwoisseo jigeum idaero
*My Love, My Kiss, My Heart
modu mudeodulge gaseumsok gipeun got Yeah~
One Love, One Kiss, To My Heart
modu ijeobolge modu da jiulge
ullyeodaeneun simjangsori geojitmal gata i apeumdo ssitgyeojin beonjin geulssicheoreom neowa nan heuryeojyeosseo jiwojyeosseo
sesangeun geudaeronde dulleobomyeon neoman nae gyeote eomneungeol
neoreul irheun geol jeonbu irheun geol doedollil sudo eomneungeol Yeah~
kkaejyeobeorin jogakgateun chueokdeulman bakhyeo inneun geot gata nae simjang gipi nae simjang gipi nae simjang gipi gipeun gose Oh- Oh-
nunmullo beombeogi doen ne eolgulman areungeorimyeo maemdolgo isseo maemdolgo isseo nae modeungeol gajyeogan neo
Last Love, Last Kiss, Last Dream
neoreul aneun gaseumi neomaneul gieokhae
Goodbye My Love My Kiss
meomchwo isseul geot gata neo eobsi idaero
Each day is like a year
My heart keeps sinking
Because I keep finding for traces of you- for many days now
They are like grains of sand- trying to force down a spoonful of rice
Without you, my day has stopped
My Love, My Kiss, My Heart
I will bury it all deep within my heart
One Love, One Kiss, To My Heart
I will forget it all, I will erase it all
The ringing beats of my heart are like a lie- even this pain
Like smudged words- we have faded, we have been erased
The rest of the world is the same
But if I look around, you aren’t there
Losing you, losing everything is something that can’t be turned around
*My Love, My Kiss, My Heart
I will bury it all deep within my heart
One Love, One Kiss, To My Heart
I will forget it all, I will erase it all
Only the shattered pieces of memories are pierced in me
Deep in my heart, deep in my heart, deep in my heart
Your tear stained face haunts me and revolves around my head
You, who took my everything
Last Love, Last Kiss, Last Dream
My heart that only knows you, only remembers you
Goodbye My Love My Kiss
It’s like it has stopped- without you
My Love, My Kiss, My Heart
I will bury it all deep within my heart
One Love, One Kiss, To My Heart
I will forget it all, I will erase it all
(Bonus Track) Perfection – Super Junior M
잠든 가슴이 깨어나고 있지
햇살이 하늘 아래 사라질
바람이 세상 속에 없어질
바다가 모래처럼 말라갈
그때 사랑을 포기할게
그녀는 완벽한 신의 피조물
그녀는 완전한 나만의 피사체
Oh! 태완미 심장 존재를 Oh!
My Lady
내게 일깨우지 Woo Wo u O
그녀의 눈썹과 , 그녀의 선과 목선,
그녀의 아름다움 Oh! 태완미
잠이 가슴이 깨어날
Just for you
너를 위해 눈을
얼음조차 불꽃이 일어날
그때 사랑에 뛰어드네..
그녀는 완벽한 신의 피조물
그녀는 완전한 나만의 피사체
Oh! 태완미내 심장 존재를 Oh!
My Lady
내게 일깨우지 Woo Wo u O
그녀의 눈썹과 , 그녀의 선과 목선,
그녀의 아름다움 Oh! 태완미
완전한 아름다운 모습
사람이 아닐지도 몰라
없이 나를 주고 싶지
없이 사랑 하고 싶지
없이 나를 주고 싶지
없이 사랑 하고 싶지
그녀와 그녀와 그녀와 그녀와
그녀는 완벽한 신의 피조물
그녀는 완전한 나만의 피사체
Oh! 태완미 심장 존재를 Oh!
My Lady
내게 일깨우지 Woo Wo u O
그녀의 눈썹과 , 그녀의 선과 목선,
그녀의 아름다움 Oh! 태완미
Bounce to the music let your feet go round,
to the floor and I’ma break it down
let me in let me show you all my bling bling
and all my kicks kicks baby dance with me
Boom Boom Boom Can I get another Clap Clap Clap Lets go,
Shake your body move your body pick your feet up
I’ma move to the groove baby I’ma go all out
너무 아름다워 너무 아름다워
너무 아름다워 아름다워 너무 아름다워
계속 두근거려 계속 두근거려
계속 두근거려 두근거려 계속 두근거려
Jamdeun ne gaseumi kkae-eonago itji
Haetsari haneul arae sarajil ddae
Barami sesang soge eobseojil ddae
Badaga morae cheoreom mallagal ddae
Geu ddae nan i sarangeul pogihalke
Geunyeoneun wanbyeokhan shinui pijomul
Geunyeoneun wanjeonhan namanui pisache
Oh! Taewanmi. Nae shimjang jonjaereul
Oh! My Lady Naege ilkkaewooji Woo Wo u O
Geunyeoui nunsseob gwa du nun, geunyeoui yeop seon gwa mokseon
Geunyeoui geu areumdawoon Oh! Taewanmi
Jami deun gaseumi ddo kkae-eonal ddae
Just for you neoreul wihae nuneul ddeul ddae
Eoreumjocha bulkkochi ireonal ddae
Geu ddae nan i sarange ddwieodeune
Geunyeoneun wanbyeokhan shinui pijomul
Geunyeoneun wanjeonhan namanui pisache
Oh! Taewanmi. Nae shimjang jonjaereul
Oh! My Lady Naege ilkkaewooji Woo Wo u O
Geunyeoui nunsseob gwa du nun, geunyeoui yeop seon gwa mokseon
Geunyeoui geu areumdawoon Oh! Taewanmi
Wanjeonhan ne areumdawoon geu moseub
Neon sarami aniljido molla
Kkeut eobshi nareul jugo shipji
Kkeut eobshi sarang hago shipji
Kkeut eobshi nareul jugo shipji
Kkeut eobshi sarang hago shipji
Geunyeowa geunyeowa geunyeowa geunyeowa
Geunyeoneun wanbyeokhan shinui pijomul
Geunyeoneun wanjeonhan namanui pisache
Oh! Taewanmi. Nae shimjang jonjaereul
Oh! My Lady Naege ilkkaewooji Woo Wo u O
Geunyeoui nunsseob gwa du nun, geunyeoui yeop seon gwa mokseon
Geunyeoui geu areumdawoon Oh! Taewanmi
Bounce to the music let your feet go round,
to the floor and I’ma break it down
let me in let me show you all my bling bling
and all my kicks kicks baby dance with me
Boom Boom Boom Can I get another Clap Clap Clap Lets go,
Shake your body move your body pick your feet up
I’ma move to the groove baby I’ma go all out
Neomu areumdaweo neomu areumdaweo
Neomu areumdaweo areumdaweo neomu areumdaweo
Gyesok dugeun georyeo gyesok dugeun georyeo
Gyesok dugeun georyeo dugeun georyeo gyesok dugeun georyeo
Your heart that was asleep is waking up
When the sun disappeared under the sky
When the wind vanished from this world
When the sea ran dry like the sand
That’s when I’d give up on this love
She is God’s perfect creation
She’s the perfect subject of my only own
Oh! Too perfect. The presence of my heart.
Oh! My Lady. You’re awakening me Woo Wo u O
Her eyebrows and her two eyes, her side profile and her neck line
The beauty of hers. Oh! Too perfect.
My heart that was asleep is waking up again
Just for you, when I open my eyes for you
When a fire lit up even in the ice
That’s when I jumped into this love
She is God’s perfect creation
She’s the perfect subject of my only own
Oh! Too perfect. The presence of my heart.
Oh! My Lady. You’re awakening me Woo Wo u O
Her eyebrows and her two eyes, her side profile and her neck line
The beauty of hers. Oh! Too perfect.
Just perfect, that figure of yours
I’m not even sure if you’re a human or not
Endlessly, you want to give it to me
Endlessly, you want to be in love
Endlessly, you want to give it to me
Endlessly, you want to be in love
With her with her with her with her
She is God’s perfect creation
She’s the perfect subject of my only own
Oh! Too perfect. The presence of my heart.
Oh! My Lady. You’re awakening me Woo Wo u O
Her eyebrows and her two eyes, her side profile and her neck line
The beauty of hers. Oh! Too perfect.
Bounce to the music let your feet go round,
to the floor and I’ma break it down
let me in let me show you all my bling bling
and all my kicks kicks baby dance with me
Boom Boom Boom Can I get another Clap Clap Clap Lets go,
Shake your body move your body pick your feet up
I’ma move to the groove baby I’ma go all out
Very beautiful, very beautiful
Very beautiful, beautiful, very beautiful
My heart keeps on pounding, my heart keeps on pounding
My heart keeps on pounding, keeps on pounding, my heart keeps o
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